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    INSEE PostCrete

    This type of concrete is able to develop its strength rapidly and at the same time able to maintain other essential properties, such as slump retention and setting time. Therefore, it is ideal to be utilized in post-tension work where the concrete must be able to withstand a significant amount of stress within 3 days (or at any other age specified by the customer) to accommodate the post-tension slab. The strength development in this kind of concrete requires high early strength in 3 - 7 days; therefore, its strength development rate is much higher.

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    INSEE MatCrete

    INSEE MatCrete has been designed in order to prevent thermal cracking, which is caused by the excessive amount of heat produced from the hydration reaction. It is suitable and recommended to be used in mass concrete where the depth is greater than 0.90 meter, such as dams, piers, foundation, etc.

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    INSEE FreezCrete

    Value Added Solution Products
    INSEE FreezCrete is made for structure exposed to temperatures below the freezing point of water and constant temperature variations. Damage from water expansion can be prevented by increasing air voids in the concrete.

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    INSEE High Strength Concrete

    INSEE High Strength Concrete is designed to be able to withstand high compressive strength of more than 450 kg/sq.cm at 28 days. It is suitable for structures that require high compressive strength.

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    INSEE High Early Strength Concrete

    INSEE High Early Strength Concrete has been developed for structures that must gain compressive strength in a very short period of time. It is suitable for structures that must be operational within a short period of time after finishing, such as pre-cast industries so that it can achieve a specified amount of compressive strength within 8 – 24 hours.

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    INSEE SpeedCrete

    INSEE SpeedCrete has faster setting time and develops much faster compressive strength in the early age when compared to normal concrete. It can achieve compressive strength of at least 240-280 ksc. by cube specimen in 8 and 24 hrs respectively.

  • INSEE Self Compacting Concrete

    Our self-compacting concrete is special in that it has excellent flow ability with minimal segregation. The most common use of this type of concrete is in the construction of structures that are heavily reinforced. By using self-compacting concrete the amount of voids in the structures can be greatly reduced.

    INSEE FloorCrete

    INSEE FloorCrete is the high abrasion resistance and shrinkage minimization concrete. Therefore, it is suitable for industrial floors and other applications where the surface of the concrete has to be smooth and scratch resistant.

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    INSEE Marine Concrete

    INSEE Marine Concrete has been designed to be used in structures that are often exposed to seawater or in structures that are located in coastal areas. The typical damage in concrete caused by seawater is the corrosion and rust on the steel reinforcement. When the steel reinforcement is covered in rust, its volume increases and expands, thus, causing the concrete to crack.

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    INSEE Saline Soil Concrete

    INSEE Saline Soil Concrete has been designed to be used in the saline soil environment especially in northeast region of Thailand. Crack on concrete is typical damage of concrete in saline soil. The concrete become contaminated with sodium chloride and sulfate then, cracking can occur in concrete surface.